
Byungsik Hong Professor Korea University
Chaeyun Lee Grad. Student Soongsil University
Chang-hoon Song Grad. student Pusan National University
Chang-Hwan Lee Prof. Pusan National University
Dae Ik Kim Grad. student Pusan National University
Dayoung Lee student PKNU
gihwan Nam grad. student Yonsei Univ.
Gyeongjun Kim Undergraduate student Sejong University
Haesom Sung Grad. student Yonsei University
Hanil Bae Student Yonsei Univ.
Heesung Kwon Undergraduate Student Kyungpook National University
HoeHeon Jeong Grad.student Soongsil univ.
Hoyoung Moon Undergraduate Pusan ​​National University
In Woo Park Grad. student Yonsei University
JaeWon Kim Grad. studen Soongsil university
Jihu Song Undergraduate Dept. of Physics, Yonsei University
Jinmyeong Kim Undergrad. student. Soongsil University
Jinsu Kim Undergraduate Student Sejong University
Jiwon Park Researcher Department of Physics, Soongsil University
Jong-Wan Lee Senior researcher Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
Jongheon Baek grad student yonsei
Joon Young Lee Undergrad. student. Department of Physics, Yonsei University
Jubin Park Researcher Soongsil University and OMEG institute
Matthias Heinz Researcher ORNL
minjae Kim Undergraduate Yonsei University
Myeong-Hwan Mun Dr. Kyungpook National University
Myung-Ki Cheoun Prof. Soongsil University
Piljun Gwak Grad. student Chonnam National University
Seung-il Nam Professor PKNU
Seunghoon Lee Grad. student PKNU
Yeunhwan Lim Prof. Yonsei University
Young-So Choi student Soongsil university
Youngman Kim Senior Research Fellow CENS, IBS
성연 student 숭실대학교
호영 학부생 인제대학교


In total, 35 participants. (update; 2025-01-20)